EDSRF Research Grant Programs

The Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Research Foundation supports research to improve diagnostic or therapeutic care for people with Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS), Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) and related disorders.

Small Grant Research Program

Advancing the Community of EDS Researchers

Program Description

The Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Research Foundation (EDSRF) Small Grant Research Program is intended to support projects that will advance research in EDS. Projects may include proof of concept or method development activities, such as gathering preliminary data to support future larger grant proposals and develop a line of research in EDS that can be carried forward into an academic career.

Research Priority Focus Topics

  • Impact, diagnosis, and management of EDS

  • Interventions or targeted therapies that are solution-based and impactful

  • Studies with meaningful, near-immediate effects on clinical practice


Priority is given to new, early-stage researchers including students, residents and junior faculty. Established researchers may apply to support a new research project that would focus their work on EDS. Projects that are a prelude to other external funding agencies are favored.

Activities Supported

EDSRF awards provide up to $5,000 direct cost for 1 year. Funds may be used for project-related expenses including data collection, preliminary analysis, collaborative activities with partnering colleagues, etc. The EDSRF offers a maximum of 5% of the value of the funding or grant as allowable indirect or Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs.

Applying for Funding

Applications can be submitted at any time. Awards will be made on a rolling basis. 

Grants will be awarded based on the potential impact and advancement of the EDS research community. All requests for funding undergo a thorough review by our Executive Board in consultation with members of our Medical Board. Reviewers agree to keep information reviewed during the application process strictly confidential.

Please send your proposal, with the information provided in the outline below, to EDSRF by email at: grants@edsrf.org

The Review Process

EDSRF makes grant award decisions on a rolling basis. All requests for funding undergo a thorough review by our Executive Board in consultation with members of our Medical Board. Reviewers agree to keep information reviewed during the application process strictly confidential. 

Download a PDF of the instructions for our grant application process.

Research Grant Program

Advancing the Community of EDS Researchers

Program Description

Research Priority Focus Topics


Activities Supported

EDSRF awards provide up to $5,000 direct cost for 1 year. Funds may be used for project-related expenses including data collection, preliminary analysis, collaborative activities with partnering colleagues, etc. The EDSRF offers a maximum of 5% of the value of the funding or grant as allowable indirect or Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs.

Applying for Funding

Applications can be submitted at any time. Awards will be made on a rolling basis. 

Grants will be awarded based on the potential impact and advancement of the EDS research community. All requests for funding undergo a thorough review by our Executive Board in consultation with members of our Medical Board. Reviewers agree to keep information reviewed during the application process strictly confidential.

Please send your proposal, with the information provided in the outline below, to EDSRF by email at: grants@edsrf.org

The Review Process

EDSRF makes grant award decisions on a rolling basis. All requests for funding undergo a thorough review by our Executive Board in consultation with members of our Medical Board. Reviewers agree to keep information reviewed during the application process strictly confidential. 

Download a PDF of the instructions for our grant application process.

Questions About Funding?

Please feel free to ask questions about the overall grant process before applying.

 The Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Research Foundation (EDSRF) offers a maximum of 5% of the value of the funding or grant as allowable indirect or Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs.